Sunday, May 8, 2022

Actions To Take Now To Protect Our Elections


Here are 3 actions that everyone can take now to protect the integrity of our elections.

1.  Be a poll watcher or election judge

Contact your county's party and volunteer to be a poll watcher or an election judge.  In Texas both positions require training, and you must be appointed to the position.  Your local party can get you started.  If you don't know how to find your county Republican party, you can sign up through the state party website at

2.  Stay informed by connecting with credible sources of information

Besides the political parties, there are organizations that can help you stay informed on election integrity issues and ways to make an impact.  True The Vote is a reputable organization dedicated to the cause.  Their website is  The Heritage Foundation has also been active on the issue, and their website is

3.  Engage your legislators on election laws 

State legislatures write the laws governing elections in the state.  You can find out how your state rates on election integrity initiatives.  Heritage has developed a scorecard for states which can be viewed here:  Let your representatives know that you care about making it easy to vote but hard to cheat.  

Also, tell your U.S. Congressional Representative and Senators that you oppose Democrat efforts to take over elections at the federal level in order to implement their practices that leave elections vulnerable to fraud and corruption.